4/22/2020 1 Comment A Wednesday ThoughtGood afternoon everyone,
As we settle in to our new roles and lifestyle in this global situation, it is important to take stock of what you have that is good in your life daily and work on your perspective. Counting your blessings and being grateful is one great way to lift your mood, gain some perspective and affirm your self in these crazy times. Being aware of what you are able to control and what you aren't is a good starting point to taking small steps to manage a seemingly insurmountable situation. Another good thing to always remember is that although you are but one person... you are in control of what you can do. You are the captain of your own ship and although you may know some things are beyond your control, you have the knowledge to take actions and to make life better for yourself and others around you while not being hung up on that which is out of your hands. These little actions can cascade to create a feeling of more stability and positivity. Being self-aware and thoughtful of perspective is so important to maintaining your mental and physical health through these uncertain times. Carol shared this quote with me to post here as it sums up these thoughts quite nicely. We hope this finds you in good spirit, healthy and safe. All the best, Joe
1 Comment
4/14/2020 1 Comment COVID-19 and LBD (Links)Hello everyone,
We sincerely hope you are staying safe, following protocol and taking care of yourself through this pandemic. We recently received some great links regarding LBD and COVID-19 and felt like you might benefit from reading through them as well. If you have any fears, inclinations or questions about LBD, caregiving and COVID-19, please check out the links below. They are filled with great information. LBD "Behavior and mood symptoms in Lewy body dementia" - UCSF webinar notes (second in a series) https://www.brainsupportnetwork.org/behavior-and-mood-symptoms-in-lewy-body-dementia-ucsf-webinar-notes/ "What is Lewy body dementia and how is it treated?" - UCSF webinar notes (first in a series) https://www.brainsupportnetwork.org/what-is-lewy-body-dementia-and-how-is-it-treated-ucsf-webinar-notes/ CAREGIVING "Having a back-up plan - what if you get sick" - UCSF webinar notes https://www.brainsupportnetwork.org/having-a-back-up-plan-what-if-you-get-sick-ucsf-webinar-notes/ "Coping with novel coronavirus while caregiving" - Teleconference notes https://www.brainsupportnetwork.org/coping-with-novel-coronavirus-while-caregiving-teleconference-notes/ "How much should family caregivers sacrifice" - Panel discussion notes https://www.brainsupportnetwork.org/how-much-should-family-caregivers-sacrifice-panel-discussion-notes/ Sending you support and positivity. Best, Joe 4/2/2020 0 Comments Some Content For The TimesHello all, Carol asked me to share this video from Natali Edmonds and Careblazers regarding the Covid-19 situation, dealing with a loved one with dementia who wishes to go outside/return to their normal public places and how one can help them practice social distancing. It has plenty of great information regarding for this unprecedented situation for you as a care partner. You can watch it below and click through to the Careblazers YouTube page. On a lighter note, in such uncertain times it is important to count the blessings we do have and keep our heads level. Here is a list of the things that we can be positive and thankful for each day as we deal with this worldwide pandemic. It was shared with us in an email and we thought everyone should see it. A little perspective and some reflection can go a long way. Remember, we will get through this together. 1. There are no bombs raining on our heads. 2. I am not a prisoner held in solitary confinement, as millions are. 3. I am not a refugee trying to escape with my life. 4. I am not standing in line waiting to fill a pot of water. 5. I have access to fresh food and I'm not starving. 6. I have hot running water. 7. My country has not been ruined by years of war. 8. I can reach my friends by phone and check in on them. 9. My friends check in on me because they care about me. 10. Any whiplash I feel about this strange turn of events is itself a sign of privilege. 11. More than half of the world would gladly trade their everyday problems for the modest inconveniences I am experiencing. 12. I may have anxious dreams but I'm dreaming them on a proper bed and I'm not sleeping on the sidewalk. 13. By staying at home, I'm helping the planet rest. 14. As long as I have my mind I can create, imagine, dream and not be lonely. 15. This global crisis connects me to people around the world and reminds me of our common humanity. This is a good thing. 16. When something tragic happens to another country next time, I will respond to it not with superiority, but humility and recognition. 17. I will fight for positive changes and economically just policies in my own country. 18. I am surrounded by books. 19. I am surrounded by love. 20. The trees have already begun to bloom. 21. The robins have returned, a sure sign of Spring. All the best to you, Joe |
AuthorThe CLBDI blog is run by Advisory Board member Joseph Daniel. Archives
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